Heeding God's call to serve Him, Shawn Ellis has given up a successful career as a toxicologist and president of an environmental consulting company to serve as a Pastor in the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Ontario, Canada.
Shawn holds a Bachelors of Science and a Masters of Science specializing in toxicology Occupational and Environmental Health, respectively and he also holds a Masters in Pastoral Ministry from Andrews University in Michigan. Shawn has a passion for young people and connecting kids to Christ by sharing and teaching God's word. Connect to Christ is a culmination of his ministry vision of a creating a religious kids program that is fun and interactive, goes beyond the church building and creates a desire for kids to want to learn more about Jesus.
Lian Ellis is a Wife, Mother, Daughter, Sister but most importantly a Child of the King. She has worked as a Business Executive in the Health Industry for the past 25 years.
She grew up in an Adventist home and has always been active in Ministry serving the church in many roles from Church Administrator, Music Leader, and Sabbath School teacher to children and adults. She shares her husband's passion for helping children learn out Jesus and how to have a close relationship with Jesus.